Two lecturers from the Faculty of Business, Hospitality & Communication; Nur Afieqah Mamud and Nur Khairunnisa Murnisham, attended the International Café and Beverage Show held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 23 May 2024. Organised by Montgomery Group Asia, the event aimed to provide participants with an opportunity to interact and network with over 350 top-quality brands from around the world.

The event featured various activities designed to improve the attendees’ understanding of the café and beverage sector. Highlights included a Café Talk by 8055 Coffee on the origin of cafés and another on modern café layout and design. Additionally, Aaron Phua, the 2019 Malaysian Barista Champion, conducted demonstrations on unique coffee concoctions such as Laksa Latte and Mocha Blackforest Latte.

Nur Khairunnisa Murnisham remarked, “I saw new products and trends and received great input.” Nur Afieqah Mamud added, “It’s my first time attending an exhibition on coffee and cafés. There’s a lot of innovative and creative products which I can’t wait to share with my students.”

The visit to the International Café and Beverage Show allowed the educators to stay updated with the latest trends in the food service industry. They gained valuable insights into the latest trends and innovations in the café and beverage industry, which they can now incorporate into their teaching to better prepare their students for the evolving food service landscape.